These are a few tools we've discovered to help develop understanding and relate to people with neurologically diverse minds.
The Dyslexia Simulator by Harvard University helps provide perspective on how hard it is for someone who is neurologically diverse to experience the world around them.
Dyslexia Simulator | HGSE Teaching and Learning Lab (
Here are a series of great videos from to provide perspective Through Your Child’s Eyes Tool | Learning Disabilities (
And several old tools on that are no longer available on the public website but you can try them via the waybackmachine. Through Your Child’s Eyes Tool | Learning Disabilities - Understood (
1. Trouble With Writing | Experience It Through Your Child’s Eyes (
2. Trouble With Reading | Experience It Through Your Child’s Eyes (
3. Trouble With Math | Experience It Through Your Child’s Eyes (
4. Is Your Child Disorganized? Experience It Through Your Child’s Eyes (
5. Attention Issues: the Waybackmachine couldn't produce the ADHD simulation but this is a representation of that experience:
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